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Nathalie Sari - Tiertraining & Verhaltensberatung

This article was written by TOBALIE in cooperation with Nathalie Sari - Tiertraining & Verhaltensberatung

Once the question of the pet has been clarified, the sex remains to be choosen. Male or female pet? What are the differences?

Many people think that male animals are more independent, whereas females are more affectionate. However, such sweeping statements are usually not true. Every animal is an individual, i.e. depending on the personality there are female animals with male tendencies and vice versa.

Fights between females can be even more massive than with their males. The extent of the behaviour depends on many factors (cycle phase, situation, predisposition, experiences, etc.).

In nature, males often take over the security of their territory, are responsible for protection and food procurement during the rearing phase of the offspring, while females are responsible for giving birth and rearing


  • Usually somewhat larger and stronger
  • Often strong sex instinct, ready to mate all year round
  • Urinating mostly with lifted leg and marking here and there
  • Can get testicular tumors and prostate problems


  • Usually somewhat smaller and more delicate
  • Sexual cycle, get in heat/rollig
  • Urinating mostly in the squatting position and in a by
  • Can get breast cancer and pyometra (uterine inflammation)

Of course there are some differences between the sexes, but each animal is an individual and has its own character. Thus, especially in behavior, education, experience and breeds play a role. If you already have an animal at home, the choice of the opposite sex is usually the better one. Whereby also this cannot be said in general.


As is so often the case, you have to listen to your gut feeling. There are a few differences in appearance and health issues, but on the whole it’s a matter of taste whether males or females are allowed to move in with you.