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Nathalie Sari - Tiertraining & Verhaltensberatung

This article was written by TOBALIE in cooperation with Nathalie Sari - Tiertraining & Verhaltensberatung

Many dogs and cats have to visit an dog hairdresser every now and then. Because the fur is a protective coat and protects the skin from cold, heat, wind and wetness. It is obvious that it needs special care, otherwise it can become matted or knotted, skin inflammations can develop, parasites nest faster and your animal feels uncomfortable. To avoid this, you should go to a saloon every few weeks/months in addition to taking care of your pet at home. Since this is a free trade, and thus everyone may exercise this occupation, it is particularly important to look at some criteria.

The dog hairdresser should:

  • Have completed a training
  • Know the anatomy of the animal
  • Know about the coat types
  • Mastering the body language and communication of the animal
  • Takes his time (usually more than an hour)
  • Answer your questions and respond to individual needs
  • Ask what your animal knows and if there are things to consider
  • Never attach your animal to the gallows (this will lead to stress, panic and injury).
  • Do not use a hairdryer box, but blow dry carefully with the hand
  • Know the breed standards
  • radiate calm (shouting or hectic rush have nothing to do in the saloon)
  • Do not use a muzzle sling (to protect yourself, a muzzle is temporarily okay as long as the animal can pant).
  • Loving and patient (Violence is a No-Go)
  • Work concentrated so as not to hurt your animal
  • Reward (do not punish or hold coarsely)
  • Let you stick with it (try to let the hairdresser work in peace anyway)
  • Advises you on fur care
  • takes a break when your animal needs one
  • Use animal-friendly care products (best without fragrances, Ph-5,5)
  • Never cut beard hairs, they are important tactile hairs
  • Respect your animal (do not blow-dry against its will, respond to fear …)
  • Do not empty the anal glands, as this is reserved for veterinarians and therefore a taboo.
  • Never dye the fur (that is against the animal protection law)
  • Skin problems or other health issues will notify you and refer you to the vet

Tips for grooming

Get your pet used to grooming as early as possible and practice brushing on a table, bathing and blow drying at home.

Basically, you should not let your animal shear, because this destroys the coat, it then forms more undercoat that grows over the top coat and so the natural thermoregulation no longer works. (Exception single-layer fur e.g. poodle, also here rather not completely shear since protection from sunlight is lost and the skin is sensitive). It is better to brush or trim your pet to remove dead hair.

Break off immediately and intervene if you are not in order with your animal. An incomplete hairstyle is not bad, a broken psyche is.

Hopefully your darling feels well in his/her skin after the care.

Hund beim Hundefriseur

Please let us know if you, via the Map, get in touch with an dog hairdresser who does not meet the above requirements! Because for us animal love and non-violent working stands in first place!